Section: New Results

Programming Languages

Participants : Ronan-Alexandre Cherrueau, Rémi Douence, Hervé Grall, Thomas Ledoux, Florent Marchand de Kerchove de Denterghem, Jacques Noyé, Jean-Claude Royer, Mario Südholt.

Formal Methods, logics and type theory

This year we have published new results extending previous type theories: we have introduced a notion of universe polymorphism for the theorem prover Coq and new type-based mechanisms for the definition and analysis of program equivalences. We have also shown how to harness capabilities, well-known in the security domain, in the context of the functional programming language Haskell. These results are detailed in the current section.

Furthermore, we have applied formal methods and typing in the context of aspect oriented programming ([12] , [16] , [24] ) and in the context of distributed programming (aspectual session types [32] ). We have also developed a framework for the formal definition and analysis of accountability properties based on temporal logics. These different results are detailed in Sec.  6.3 for details.

Universe Polymorphism in Coq

Universes are used in type theory to ensure consistency by checking that definitions are well-stratified according to a certain hierarchy. In the case of the Coq proof assistant, based on the predicative Calculus of Inductive Constructions (pCIC), this hierarchy is built from an impredicative sort Prop and an infinite number of predicative Type universes. A cumulativity relation represents the inclusion order of universes in the core theory. Originally, universes were thought to be floating levels, and definitions to implicitly constrain these levels in a consistent manner. This works well for most theories, however the globality of levels and constraints precludes generic constructions on universes that could work at different levels. We have introduced universe polymorphism [31] that extends this setup by adding local bindings of universes and constraints, supporting generic definitions over universes, reusable at different levels. This provides the same kind of code reuse facilities as ML-style parametric polymorphism. However, the structure and hierarchy of universes is more complex than bare polymorphic type variables.

A Logical Study of Program Equivalence

Proving program equivalence for a functional language with references is a notoriously difficult problem. The goal of the thesis of Guilhem Jaber on “A Logical Study of Program Equivalence” [G. Jaber, Mines Nantes, July 14] was to propose a logical system in which such proofs can be formalized, and in some cases inferred automatically. In the first part, a generic extension method of dependent type theory has been proposed, based on a forcing interpretation seen as a presheaf translation of type theory. This extension equips type theory with guarded recursive constructions, which are subsequently used to reason on higher-order references. In the second part, he has defined a nominal game semantics for a language with higher-order references. It marries the categorical structure of game semantics with a trace representation of denotations of programs, which can be computed operationally and thus have good modularity properties. Using this semantics, he has proven completeness of Kripke logical relations defined in a direct way, using guarded recursive types, without using biorthogonality. The problem of contextual equivalence is then reduced to the satisfiability of an automatically generated formula defined in this logic, that is, to the existence of a world validating this formula. Under some conditions, this satisfiability can be decided using a SMT solver.

Effect Capabilities For Haskell

Computational effects complicate the tasks of reasoning about and maintaining software, due to the many kinds of interferences that can occur. While different proposals have been formulated to alleviate the fragility and burden of dealing with specific effects, such as state or exceptions, there is no prevalent robust mechanism that addresses the general interference issue. Building upon the idea of capability-based security, we have proposed effect capabilities [25] as an effective and flexible manner to control monadic effects and their interferences. Capabilities can be selectively shared between modules to establish secure effect-centric coordination. We have further refined capabilities with type-based permission lattices to allow fine-grained decomposition of authority. An implementation of effect capabilities in Haskell has been done, using type classes to establish a way to statically share capabilities between modules, as well as to check proper access permissions to effects at compile time.

Language Mechanisms

In 2014, we have proposed new general language-based mechanisms for concurrent event-based systems and sequential programming languages. Moreover, we have investigated domain-specific languages that support aspect-oriented programming and provide control over propagation strategies in constraint solvers. These results are detailed in the remainder of this section.

Furthermore, we have proposed language support for the definition and enforcement of security properties, in particular related to the accountability of service-based systems, see Sec.  6.3 .

Concurrent Event-Based Programming

Advanced concurrency abstractions overcome the drawbacks of low-level techniques such as locks and monitors, freeing programmers that implement concurrent applications from the burden of concentrating on low-level details. However, with current approaches the coordination logic involved in complex coordination schemas is fragmented into several pieces including join patterns, data emissions triggered in different places of the application, and the application logic that implicitly creates dependencies among communication channels, hence indirectly among join patterns. In [33] , we have presented JEScala, a language that captures coordination schemas in a more expressive and modular way by leveraging a seamless integration of an advanced event system with join abstractions. We have validated the approach with case studies and provided a first performance assessment.

Lazy imperative programming

Laziness is a powerful concept in functional programming that permits the reuse of general functions in a specific context, while keeping performance close to the efficiency of dedicated definitions. Lazy evaluation can be used in imperative programming too. Twenty years ago, John Launchbury was already advocating for lazy imperative programming, but the level of laziness of his framework remained limited. Twenty years after, the picture has not changed.

We have proposed an Haskell framework to specify computational effects of imperative programs as well as their dependencies [23] . We have presented a semantics of a call-by-need lambda-calculus extended with imperative strict and lazy features and proved the correctness of our approach. While originally motivated by a less rigid use of foreign functions, we have shown that our approach is fruitful for a simple scenario based on sorted mutable arrays. Furthermore, we can take advantage of equations between algebraic operations to dynamically optimize compositions of imperative computations.

Domain-Specific Aspect Languages

Domain-Specific Aspect Languages (DSALs) are Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) designed to express crosscutting concerns. Compared to DSLs, their aspectual nature greatly amplifies the language design space. In the context of the Associate Team RAPIDS/REAL, we have structured this space in order to shed light on and compare the different domain-specific approaches to deal with crosscutting concerns [37] . We have reported on a corpus of 36 DSALs covering the space, discussed a set of design considerations and provided a taxonomy of DSAL implementation approaches. This work serves as a frame of reference to DSAL and DSL researchers, enabling further advances in the field, and to developers as a guide for DSAL implementations.

Controlling constraint propagation

Constraint propagation is at the heart of constraint solvers. Two main trends co-exist for its implementation: variable-oriented propagation engines and constraint-oriented propagation engines. These two approaches ensure the same level of local consistency but their efficiency (computation time) can be quite different depending on the problem instances to be solved. However, it is usually accepted that there is no best approach in general, and modern constraint solvers implement only one of them.

In the context of Charles Prud'homme's PhD Thesis [15] , we have gone a step further providing a solver independent language at the modeling stage to enable the design of propagation engines. We have validated our proposal with a reference implementation based on the Choco solver and the MiniZinc constraint modeling language.